
raul rajangu


Berlin 2014

National Prayer Breakfast in Berlin


First – you must see, and second – you must be seen to be seeing!

BERLINER LISTE 2014 offers knowledgeable art lovers of Berlin, known for their refined tastes, an excellent opportunity to see, now for the second time, the newest work of Estonian painter, actionalist, creator of spatial installations, 3D aesthetician and transmedia activist Raul Rajangu a.k.a. Luminoso.

Like in last year`s BERLINER LISTE 2013, where the audience of the Bedrooms` Show had an opportunity to wriggle around in the Coca-Cola bed with nice naked models, a liberty enjoyed by many – we today have the liberty and obligation to not only see but to participate in the design, (re )production and hijacking of aesthetisized political processes and mythologies.

Would you like to guide the lectern (The Beast) of the President of the Über-Reich to another super hot genital region?
Would you like to locate the ideological G-spot of current political and aesthetic mythologies?
Would you even like to grope/fondle it?
Would you like to know what is inside Gazprom`s pipes?
Would you like for Love, Peace, and Harmony to rule? To replace the Summer of Hate/Idiocy 2014 with the Post-postsummer of Love/Non-Idiocy 2014?
Yes, we do!

Of course – and this unique opportunity is offered in Rajangu`s booth at BERLINER LISTE 2014.

Style is substance and substance is style!

Despite clear political connotations – direct and not overly direct references to global political supermodels, both (still) living and (already) dead, killed or suicidees – it is clear that Rajangu is interested in both aesthetizing politics and politicizing aesthetics to such a degree that each spectator can privately decide which of the two is presented – Rajangu does not make imperative prescriptions. Instead, he elegantly announces: What is matter? Never mind. What is mind? It doesn`t matter! He charmingly leaves the customer with ambivalence, not even aspiring to be the regime`s pathological anatomist who would sell us a cheap and customer-friendly metaphysical painkiller.
This not unexpected – we can recall that, throughout his career, Rajangu has been keen to (re-)use – what a lovely Grünepunkt! -, twist and of course mock/taunt all kinds of massive, total and fossilized aesthetical, moral, therapeutic and metaphysical schemes and systems, our entire strikingly paternalistic, sexist and misogynous paranoia.

Keep metaphysics beautiful – visit your local plastic surgeon!

Enjoy it!

Warning! No responsibility for loss caused to any individual or organization acting on or refraining from action as a result of the material in this exposition can be accepted by Luminoso Entertainment Group, Inc. or Rajangu.

Written by klf ©2014 Luminoso Entertainment Group, Inc.