
raul rajangu


National Prayer Breakfast

Opening performance PNEUMATIC FLESH, curated by Kalev Rajangu Unquestionably the most important National Prayer Breakfast of the year at Vaal Gallery will be attended, in alphabetical order, by Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Barack Obama, and Vladimir Putin. The event is moderated and the opening prayer, Pneumatic Flesh, is held by Estonian actionalist, transmedia activist, creator of […]


National Prayer Breakfast in Berlin 2014 First – you must see, and second – you must be seen to be seeing! BERLINER LISTE 2014 offers knowledgeable art lovers of Berlin, known for their refined tastes, an excellent opportunity to see, now for the second time, the newest work of Estonian painter, actionalist, creator of spatial installations, 3D […]


National Prayer Breakfast – videoinstallation/transformance 2013 Helsinki Galleria Augusta Tallinn Culture Factory Polymer  


‘Secret Reich’ Transformance in Berlin 2013 Today in Berlin, we will not ask Sigmund Freud`s infamous, but probably not particularly immortal, question: Was will das Weib? -instead, we ask: Was will das/der Rajangu? In answering this question, we have no use of Freudian/Lacan`s delusions/mythologems, e.g., Nirvanaprinzip, Verleugnung, Anlehnung, Multi-Spaltung, Gehorsamerzwingungschance etc. And, naturally, we do […]

Secret Reich

January 2012 While at the end of the 20th century Raul Rajangu and his assistants arrived in Viljandi – recalling Rajangu`s superb accomplishment from 1988 entitled “The Arrival of Artist Rajangu and His Assistants in Viljandi” – morphing into a trio of Russian heroes, the beginning of the 21st century sees him as a Cuban […]

Superluminous Darkness

THE RAGE AGAINST KINETHOSIS AND DICHOTOMOSIS Premiere of the short 3D film The fact that transmedia activist Raul Rajangu, a.k.a. Luminoso, has, after some large-scale projects in recent years – (2008), Russkiy Razmer (2010), Bedrooms Show (2005) – turned towards 3D is quite understandable considering Rajangu’s change over time – from medium-sized to large […]

Soviet Midnight II

3 DECEMBER 2010 TO 31 JANUARY 2011 By 1989, after the art audience had seen six of his paintings, Raul Rajangu had already become a legend. Who would not remember his “New Year’s Tree and Sewing Machine” from 1984, “Snowman next to the Old Anatomical Theatre” (1986) or, in particular, “The Arrival of Raul Rajangu […]


september 2010 Luminoso`s new multimedia project involves the hypnotic 3D video art recorded in different churches in England in summer of 2010. Luminoso is asking how the metanarrative of reason has been deconstructed by the discourse of freedom. Current multimedia project that is provoking with 3D video images and with its ambivalent title (referring to […]


Three motorised light-box lecterns on display 14.07 – 24.08 2008 The artist formerly known as Raul Rajangu, who avoids direct contact with the media, was one of the most original painters and an innovator of Estonian painting in the 1980s, garnered attention with his socio-critical and bizarre erotic-symbolic video and spatial installations in the 1990s, […]


14.07 – 24.08 2008 The artist formerly known as Raul Rajangu, who avoids direct contact with the media, was one of Estonia`s most original and innovative painters in the 1980s. In the 1990s the artist now known as Luminoso garnered attention with his socio-critical and bizarre erotic-symbolic videos and spacial installations. Commenting on his exhibition, […]


YOUR HOME COULD BE A WORK OF ART 14.06 – 06.07 2007 Rajangu rose to prominence with his postmodern paintings as an intriguing and independent figure in Estonian art at the turn of the decade, from the 1980s to the 1990s. After a period of silence in the second half of the 1990s, he has […]

The House of Playboy

A big glass model of a house Installation “House of Playboy” (1993-96) is a big glass model of a house. You can take a look at the most bizarre objects through its glass walls and the roof – in the right corner stands the stove that is familiar from Rajangu`s earlier assemblages, on the rightside […]

Soviet Midnight

PAINTINGS FROM 1981 – 1982 04.07 – 16.07.2005 Review by Johannes Saar in Eesti Päevaleht on 4 August 2005 “Soviet Midnight” is a series of paintings and collages, created in 1981-82, which was presented to the public for the first time in the summer of 2004. Personality cult, economy of scarcity, home appliances from East […]

Bedrooms show

What feeds both Mercedes-Benz, the eternal flame and Gazprom 25.05 – 15.06 2007 Art Gallery “Meno parkas” Kaunas , Lithuania 12.08 – 02.10 2005 Tartu Kunstimuuseum (Tartu Art Museum) Have you ever thought what feeds both Mercedes-Benz, the eternal flame and Gazprom? “Bedrooms` Show” (2005) is a video installation taking the viewer to the back […]


Collection of objects with an acute political and social message februar-march 2004 Installation project “Sweet Little NATO” (2004) is a collection of objects with an acute political and social message. The exhibition consists of a coffin covered by a shroud depicting the eternal flame and NATO symbols and scull, mens` underwear with NATO symbols, on […]


Cagliostro’s Recollections 2002 Count Cagliostro was born Giuseppe Balsamo on June 2, 1743 in Palermo, Italy. Early in Cagliostro`s life his father died and because his mother was unable to support him, he was sent to live with his uncle until he ran away after which he was sent to a seminary and he again […]